Sunday, February 28, 2010

Strawberries run deep

Or was it raspberries?
That was the title of a book of poems
I bought somewhere in rural Arkansas
in 1978, where three friends and I
had come for boating on the
Buffalo River.

Written by one Edsel ... (not Ford,
I think, definitely not Ford). And
now I can’t find it on my shelves
to help me remember why
those berries, straw or rasp,
run deep.

– Leonard “Does Run Deep” Blumfeld (© 2010)

A poem to illustrate the strangeness of (my) memory and to go with “running” at One Single Impression.

As I found out with the help of Google, the poet's name is Edsel Ford indeed (there is a Wikipedia article about him), and the title of the collection is “Raspberries Run Deep” (published in 1975). I still haven't located the book, though, so the deep-running raspberries must remain a mystery for now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for visiting and commenting, Stan and Aayushi!

    Looks like I added my notes a tad too late for you to see.

  3. I have had that experience of trying to assemble all the pieces of a memory.

    I love the writer's name and what you did with it.

  4. I love your clever take on this is frustrating when we have only bits and pieces of a memory, and that last puzzle piece is missing! Glad you were able to solve it with the wonders of the internet. :~)

  5. It is so frustrating, not being able to find a book. I liked this...

    leaves clinging to me like limpets

  6. I've surrendered to the idea that books are living things that go and live where they please!

    I very much like the meandering-ness of this.

  7. Clever piece! I know that feeling. More often than not, actually. Running in place!

  8. I *really* like this poem. It is simple yet full of ideas and knowledge. I could understand it. It was accessible to me. Just great!

  9. Oh I also am often like that...rummaging through old piles just because I suddenly remember a very important document or book or whatever they are which are buried through time...became useless for a time and suddenly became needed at one time!
