Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The supersonic chewing power haiku

We are moths and can
infest everything! We then
lay a zillion eggs.

– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2023)

A grim reality report from the afflicted kitchen.

Monday, April 5, 2010


The frozen swirls
may want to speak.

Of clouds, perhaps,
they've been in.

Of drifting clouds
they traveled with,

the lands they

the continents.
Tell that to

the tips
of a pair of shoes,

tell it
to frozen grass.

– Johannes Beilharz (© 2010)

Written and posted for "converse with images" (napowrimo #6).

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

They like each other / a true picture

Is that a cow?
No, too small.
Holy cow, it is a llama.
And that little animal next to it?
Holy pig, it is a pig.
A llama cuddling with a pig
in the Bavarian Alps,
how about that.

– Leonard “Vicaricator” Blumfeld (© 2009)

An actual experience (my daughter's) retold vicariously.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Back from southern Italy


The green hills of
Trulli country in
white spring blossom –
such allure from my
perch in Locorotondo’s
main piazza

– Leonard “Gone Puglia” Blumfeld

Written around allure, perch and vivid from 3WW.

I wrote the poem from memory, i.e. from the memory of looking down onto the green hillscape from the elevated city park in Locorotondo, and had in mind numerous trees in white blossom among the scattered trulli (cute dwellings with cone-shaped roofs typical of that area of southern Italy – see picture below). When I went back to compare with the pictures I'd taken, there were hardly any trees in white blossom. However, there were plenty of such trees in other parts of the area I'd passed through. Memory can be a treacherous thing!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Live from the office

It's stuffy and hot in here.
The outside world still can't quite admit that winter is over. There were occasional snow flurries this moring.
Some stubborn trees are holding on to brown leaves.
Two Russians are in the office today, but there's no Iron Curtain whatsoever. Apparently, all of Russia laughed about Mrs. Clinton's emergency stop switch present.
Need to get on with work, but had to blog off some boredom.*

– Yours truly, L.B.

* 'Boredom' is, of course, a word that's not allowed around here. Problems aren't allowed, either. Only challenges and solutions. What shall we call boredom then? 'Slight momentary lull in the general scheme of challenge'?

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The hummingbird speaks

... and then there are those parts of Nature
ideally made for my fluttering approach,
colored an attractive red, to take a sweet
drink ... even though sometimes
big-eyed beings eye me from close-by ...
and I’ve also found the fount empty at times ...

– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2008)

Inspired by Inspire Me Thursday.

Monday, March 12, 2007

You ain't no real Saint Francis

said the blackbird
I talked to
this morning,
dropped a turd
and flew on
to the next branch.

– Len Blumfeld

All true! I did not make this up.