Poetry's job is
not to regurgitate pop-
ular platitudes.
– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2015)
If poetry has a job (some might argue that it is too sacrosanct to have something so mundane, while others might say that it is permanently jobless), then it should be more meaningful than to replicate favorite platitudes and attitudes and well-trodden ways of seeing, thinking and feeling. In an age where taste seems to be dictated by the number of likes or little hearts something gets, this is all the more important to keep in mind ... lest poetry completely descend to the democracy of insipidity.
not to regurgitate pop-
ular platitudes.
– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2015)
If poetry has a job (some might argue that it is too sacrosanct to have something so mundane, while others might say that it is permanently jobless), then it should be more meaningful than to replicate favorite platitudes and attitudes and well-trodden ways of seeing, thinking and feeling. In an age where taste seems to be dictated by the number of likes or little hearts something gets, this is all the more important to keep in mind ... lest poetry completely descend to the democracy of insipidity.