Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2009

Back from southern Italy


The green hills of
Trulli country in
white spring blossom –
such allure from my
perch in Locorotondo’s
main piazza

– Leonard “Gone Puglia” Blumfeld

Written around allure, perch and vivid from 3WW.

I wrote the poem from memory, i.e. from the memory of looking down onto the green hillscape from the elevated city park in Locorotondo, and had in mind numerous trees in white blossom among the scattered trulli (cute dwellings with cone-shaped roofs typical of that area of southern Italy – see picture below). When I went back to compare with the pictures I'd taken, there were hardly any trees in white blossom. However, there were plenty of such trees in other parts of the area I'd passed through. Memory can be a treacherous thing!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Rumored beauty

It has been said
that beauty is a vessel,
but, like any vessel,
it should be filled.

Another rumor by Leonard Blumfeld (© April Fools 2007)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another poetic form: the rumor

And here's an example:
It has been said
that Helen had beautiful red lips,
but we have to take
Homer's word for it.
– Leon Blumfeld (copyright 2007)

Of course, everything's copyrighted here (for all eternity!), but I think I should remind of it once in a while.