Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year’s Eve Cinquain

To A.B.*

May you
be happy with
the choices you make for
the year to come, no matter what
they are.

* whose choices most likely won’t include hers truly

My first attempt at a cinquain upon instigation by Totally Optional Prompts. The specialty of this one are a few run-on line endings. All in all, this might not be my dearest wish, but it’s wishing someone happiness by doing what she considers to be the right thing with any self-interest on my part removed. And that might not be the worst to wish for somebody.

– Len “On the Brink” Blumfeld (© 2008)

Definition of the form
A cinquain is a short, unrhymed poem consisting of twenty-two syllables distributed as 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, in five lines.
(Definition by Linda Jacobs at Totally Optional Prompts)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I believe ...

that a great many nasty things are coming to a head now*

... but this may also bring about much needed change.

* For example, individual and corporate greed, all-pervasive commercialism, bickering nationalism at the expense of the world's good, religious fanaticism, idiocy despite or because of the availability of information, crime and fraud on the Internet, to cite just a few.

– Len "Seer" Blumfeld

Posted for I believe ... at Sunday Scribblings.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Canjurian dancer

Canjurian dancer wearing traditional costume
Ink and acrylic on photo paper,
digitally edited, 2008

Created for Inspire Me Thursday's Dress.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Antique gift

Antique gift of uncertain significance
Acrylic on cardboard, 2008

Posted for Inspire Me Thursday's Make a Gift.
I didn't have to make this gift - it was on my desk under a layer of papers and other "art", waiting to be discovered as a gift of uncertain significance and slightly revised.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Narrow escape

“Now you be thankful that Fury didn’t run away, son!”
“Aw ma, you wouldn’t have laid a guilt trip on me, would you?”
Written using fury, guilt, thankful from 3WW CXIII.

– Leonard “He Who Never Cared That Much For Horses” Blumfeld

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The blunt fib

and mute
today, so
alive and within
a fluid flow just yesterday.

– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2008)

Razor-edge-of-day reporting fresh from the self-observation front.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Coffee & Wild Animals

For "Coffee Break" at Inspire Me Thursday
The photo shows the giraffe tin that holds my coffee powder
and the cheetah and zebra cups company and I drink from.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A walk in the snow, ca. 1975

The merest quiver of air
scatters powdery crystals

Tenderness of rosy cold blush
on Evelyne’s cheeks

– Leonard “Nostalgic Mood” Blumfeld (© 2008)

Remembered upon instigation by the 3WW words blush, quiver, tenderness.

Monday, November 10, 2008

A tinge of Klimt

A tinge of Klimt
Acrylic and ink on photo paper,
digitally modified

My contribution to Inspire Me Thursday's Open Topic.
Actually, the original is more Klimtian, having gold in it.
But I very much like the batik-like blue that replaced the gold.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Defying gravity

As long as there's
at least a nuance of hope

there's hope to shake off
even gravest gravity

– Leonard Blumfeld

Written using hope, gravity and nuance from 3WW.