Thursday, October 27, 2016

Love at first sight or breath or whatever

“You are so bouncily vapid!” she said breathily in that vapid girl band way.

I took it as a compliment and sort of nodded, not knowing what else to do.

“Let’s adjoin this, shall we?”


Upon which she took me by the hand and to the adjoining room. Bouncy on her bright red toenails.

(Where {...} happened – as it was all vapid bouncy imagination.)

– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2016)

Hardly requires any explanation, does it? 3WW supplied the words vapid, adjoining and bouncy, and I vapidly bounced on them to adjoin them.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A fatal tendency

I have a symbolic tendency to become unhinged.

Mind you, it’s only symbolic.


– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2016)

Woven around symbolic, tendency and unhinged from Three Word Wednesday (3WW).

The feel good quotes haiku

That one by Beckett,
about failing and failing
better more merrier

– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2016)

At least half of social media consists of the cud of feel good quotes chewed over and over again. Here’s a Samuel Beckett failure variant to join the cud and make you feel good, better and merrier about failing.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

An abstract haiku

Lines, circles, lines, black
and blue, Kandinsky objects,
peaceful, with a smile.

- Leonbard Blumfeld (c 2016)

Felt an urge to take haiku to another dimension. Had nothing specific to say, so abstract was a natural choice. Caught myself typo-signing as "Leonbard" ... ok, the new bard has spoken.

Blogger is acting up today - I'm editing an entry, updating it ... and blogger creates another one. So you have the same haiku twice, with a little color variant.

An abstract haiku

Lines, circles, lines, black
and blue, Kandinsky objects,
peaceful, with a smile.

- Leonbard Blumfeld (c 2016)

Felt an urge to take haiku to another dimension. Had nothing specific to say, so abstract was a natural choice. Caught myself typo-signing as "Leonbard" ... ok, the new bard has spoken.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Nonsense - and you shall be enabled

In a cinch, in a cinch
In a dank, in a dank
You shall be enabled

In a black, in a black
In a humor, in a humor
You shall later laugh

- Leonard Blumfeld (c 2016)

A poetic flash inspired by cinch, dank and enable from 3WW.

Disclaimer: may not always use words in their usual meaning.

To the old grump

Kindly be lighthearted and not so melodramatic, will you?
The evil world won't suffer if you smile once in a while!

- Leonard Blumfeld (c 2016)

Woven around kindly, lighthearted and melodramatic from 3WW.