Showing posts with label failure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label failure. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Another bead of Chinese wisdom

“A lake is a failed attempt to break through to the sea.”

– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2019)

Again, I’m not sure what exactly the significance of this bead of Chinese wisdom is even though it might be considered to be true in some indirect way.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The failed poetry haiku

Objects juxtaposed
and not filled with poetic
meaning – fail! Fail! Fie!

– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2017)

Elucidating note
Such objects or emotional weight carriers might be, for example: evening, window across, still unbegun, longing, promise, return, unspoken, unsaid, arm of love, fingers touching the heart, castles in the air (don’t call them pipe dreams, that removes the poetic component), etc.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The feel good quotes haiku

That one by Beckett,
about failing and failing
better more merrier

– Leonard Blumfeld (© 2016)

At least half of social media consists of the cud of feel good quotes chewed over and over again. Here’s a Samuel Beckett failure variant to join the cud and make you feel good, better and merrier about failing.