While watching the news on Al Jazeera this morning, I learned some new words from a short special they did.
Selfie – a self-portrait shot with a smartphone and shared on a social media site. Apparently invented in Australia in 2002.
(The example shown is actually a double selfie. Looks like I'm about to say something to myself.)
Helfie – a self-portrait showing only the hair or top of the head of the person.
(Low-quality, taken with front camera.)
Shelfie – a self-portrait taken in front of a book shelf.
(Shows my erudite and eclectic taste in books and some knicknacks gathered over the years, just like a proper shelfie should.)
Footsie – well, that's my own little gift to social media. A traditional footsie (foot shot).
Common features of all four are a. shot with a smartphone and b. shared using social media.
Bless the weird world of social media!
All pictures taken with a Sony Ericsson Xperia.
Selfie – a self-portrait shot with a smartphone and shared on a social media site. Apparently invented in Australia in 2002.
(The example shown is actually a double selfie. Looks like I'm about to say something to myself.)
Helfie – a self-portrait showing only the hair or top of the head of the person.
(Low-quality, taken with front camera.)
Shelfie – a self-portrait taken in front of a book shelf.
(Shows my erudite and eclectic taste in books and some knicknacks gathered over the years, just like a proper shelfie should.)
Footsie – well, that's my own little gift to social media. A traditional footsie (foot shot).
Common features of all four are a. shot with a smartphone and b. shared using social media.
Bless the weird world of social media!
All pictures taken with a Sony Ericsson Xperia.