Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Proverbs from the Chinese II

Mute not the viable gasp.

This translation of another Chinese proverb includes the words gasp, mute and viable from this week's Three Word Wednesday.

Once again, the meaning is not entirely clear. Does it imply, for example, that a non-viable gasp ought to be muted? What exactly makes a gasp viable?

– Leonard "Wisdom of China" Blumfeld


  1. Very interesting to think about, and gives more meaning to the 3WW words.

  2. wow you keep giving us this treasures.

  3. Hilarious :D but maybe you have to be familiar with the territory...

  4. to gasp is to be viable. err, i think. :) to gulp for air means yo want to live/be viable. interesting translation :)
